Domains & DNS

How To Create DNS Records?

To Create DNS Records: DNS (Domain Name System) is the service which translates between Internet names and Internet addresses. Internet names are the names which...

How To Create A Subdomain In Controlpanel?

To Create A Subdomain In controlpanel: The ease of setting up subdomains is one of the most powerful features of controlpanel. With just a couple...

How to Point a Domain to External Services?

  To Point a Domain to External Services: You can use your Shricloud-purchased domain with external services or hosting providers! To do this, follow these...

What Is DNS Propagation?

What happens after changing your domain’s DNS records: Domain DNS zone propagation is the process of updating the information about a domain name on the...

How to Manage MX Records?

Adding, editing and deleting MX records at Shricloud: If your domain is pointed to Shricloud via nameservers, your domain’s DNS zone is also managed from...

How to Manage TXT Records?

How to Manage TXT Records: You can manage your DNS records via the DNS zone editor. To add a new record, choose the type of...

How to Manage DNS Records at Shricloud?

   To Manage DNS Records at Shricloud: To manage DNS records at Shricloud, go to the Domains section and click on the Manage button, or...